jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

White Week´s Activities

The third Cycle´s students are going to do projects relationed to the English subject.
 The 6th grade will study, Gianst´s Causeway. So, they must do these activities: 

 and the 5th grade, Saint Patrick´s Day, click here and you can see your work.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016


Good morning, here is your work about POLAND, you have to look for some information about Poland, a great country in EUROPE.
1) Where is located Poland in Europe? A map and explain it.
2) A short visit for two of the most known cities in Poland:  WARSOW (the capital) and KRAKOW.    A photo of these capitals and two or three photos of some important monuments in each city.
 3) Its flag and anthen.
   Good work! Bye